In 2023, CFC developed the brand identity design for YES24, a leading online bookstore that also offers tickets for concerts and exhibitions. YES24 has long been beloved for years by customers who enjoy books and culture. The key objective of this project was to find a design that aligns with YES24’s current image.
The original YES24 BI was a somewhat complex composition with the long name YES24.COM, four colors, a smile icon, and uppercase italic typography. CFC aimed to encapsulate the value of YES24 in a more streamlined and symbolic way. Our question, “What would culture look like?” evolved into imagining specific scenarios where people read books, view exhibitions, and watch performances by their favorite artists through YES24.
The new face of YES24 is a sparkling eye, filled with inspiration for life, embracing and actively enjoying diverse cultural forms. The former smile in the YES24 logo has transformed into an “eye” that views life through culture. This element combines with a lively logotype and extends into graphics, forming a frame that encompasses the books and performances offered by YES24’s content.

YES24 BI Design
Client: YES24
Project Team
PM: YES24 Brand Marketing Team (Jiyoun Kang, Sanghoon Kim, Jiwon Choi)
Brand Strategy & Slogan: STNDRD
BI System Design: CFC
Design Application: YES24 Brand Marketing Team, CFC
Art Direction: Charry Jeon
BI System Design: Charry Jeon, Hyungseok Lim, Seyoun Kim, Jeongmoon Choi, Saerom Kang
Design Application: Hyungseok Lim, Jeongmoon Choi, Seyoun Kim
Photography: Kiwoong Hong