In 2022, CFC, along with Korea Investment & Securities Platform Department and STNDRD, developed My Data Service Brand, MOIDA by Korea Investment & Securities. The name MOIDA, which is a combination of the three words Money + Intelligence + Data, is also a verb meaning 'to gather' in Korean. Looking at the spelling of MOIDA, MO(ney) and DA(ta) are symmetrically combined around I(self). CFC tried to visualize this intuitively.
What would it look like if we interpreted money and data as a form? Money is a tangible object, and Data is a digitized material in a virtual space. Money's 1 and 0 are units of money, and Data's 1 and 0 are units of information. Money has coexisted with human history for a long time, and Data is a key element in the hyper-personalization era.
CFC visualized the concept of contrast between Money and Data as a logotype consisting of a classic serif font and a pixelated sans serif font, and applied this concept to overall brand graphics such as typography and illustration.Inspired by the keyword “Intelligence,” the refreshing blue blends with the colorful sub-color palette to deliver a smart and vibrant brand image.

MOIDA Visual Identity Design
Client: Korea Investment & Securities
Project Team
PM: Korea Investment & Securities Platform Department
Brand Strategy and Naming: STNDRD
BI System Design: CFC
Art Direction: Charry Jeon
BI System Design: Charry Jeon, Seyoun Kim, Yoonji Nam, Jeongmoon Choi
Design Application: Jeongmoon Choi, Seoin Song, Seyoun Kim
Photography: Kiwoong Hong
Copyright 2022. (CFC) all rights reserved.